Wednesday, 15 October 2014

research and planning: staged levels: analysis and understanding of Genre - linked to Audience/Industry/Exhibition

We are studying the 
Media area of FILM
The genre is FILM NOIR

You must include  on your blog Genre studies and analysis to evidence your understanding of how it is constructed and understood. You could use tables, talking head videos / comparisons/primary and secondary research. You must have deconstructions. 

This refers to the conventions, aesthetics and representation codes of your chosen media area. 
The codes and conventions in media can be separated into 3 distinct groups 
Technical (camera techniques & shots),
Symbolic (ie clothing, colours)
- Written and audio (music etc).

  • structure
  • form
  • narrative
  • colour
  • editing
  • character / representations
  • mise-en scene
  • camera and editing work
Definition: the ‘rules’ that are generally understood and accepted when producing a media text in a particular genre. they are long accepted as the norm by an audience and although you can change them as genres evolve if you do it too fast the audience will be confused. 
stage 1
Action: upload examples of Opening sequences in the Film Noir genre.  Deconstruct and Denote showing understanding of the above
stage 2

the conventions, aesthetics and representation codes of your chosen media genre: 
Definitiion - Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning - they are really firm and almost never broken. Codes can be divided into two categories – technical and symbolic
there can be  a number of codes:
  • character codes
  • plot codes
  • structural codes
  • cultural codes
  • production codes
Action: research and identify the codes of an OPENING TITLE SEQUENCE. Use the list as summarised above to guide you. Present your findings in an interactive form: PREZI, EMAZE or VOICETHREAD

stage 3
how your intended genre meets the needs of your Target Media Audience: 

  • identify your audience and explain what they like
  • genre habits
  • prefered reading style - active / oppositional / passive / frequency.....
  • expected generic pleasures
ACTION: complete the class tasks into audience. Present your understanding of 

  • the target audience for this genre
  • the target audience you are aiming at
present it in one post

stage 4
how your genre meets the needs of your Media Industry:

  • what are the implications for the Industry
  • cost/ profit
  • distribution
  • exhibition
  • audience responses
ACTION: we will cover the elements of a media industry at a later date - you will need a post exploring the British Film Industry, how they select a product, market and distribute it to a targeted audience, how they generate income and identify successful products to help them do so
you will need evidence of all 4 stages to get the highest marks

this site may be of use

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