Wednesday, 17 September 2014

18th & 19th sept - research challenge 1 & homework:

Mini – research Project into the genre FILM NOIR

  • □  History of film noir. When is it? What is it?
  • □  Reading the essay What is film noir? Film noir is a genre that began in the early 1940's…..
  • □  Examples of hit Film Noir films – visual links and examples
  • □  Links to fan-site
  • □  Deconstructions of existing films and still frame analysis
  • □  Collage of iconography associated with the genre
  • □  Classification & Certificate ratings – BBFC research
  • □  Audience theory & Targeting an audience
  • □   Use Genre specific language (eg film language/print language/web…)
  • □  Nine frame structure analysis of a film opening (including titles)
  •     Audience expectations from GENRE / Genre Pleasures

18th & 19th Sept - sharing good practice & peer mentoring

todays aims are:

  1.  show your swede to the rest of the group as an audience
  2. offer feedback in the form of
  • you met the brief in the following way
  • it is successful as a film because 
  •  even better if / to improve you could.....
make notes on the feedback

tomorrow - we will focus on Genre

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

12th September - evidencing work

your Blog should have the following

  1. an introduction to you / link to my blog
  2. research into Sweded films with uploaded examples
  3. plans for your own film that is sweded
  4. the final film together with sound
  1. add a gadget box in which to upload your sites of interest / hyperlinks / research etc
  2. add a gadget box with links to all your different accounts with
  • slideshare
  • flickr
  • vimeo
  • youtube
  • emaze
  • voicethread
  • edmodo
  • wix
  • prezi
Today we will work so that everyone has all of the above - 
this is a summary of what we will be covering in the next few weeks - try to keep up - it is better to have too much than to keep trying to catch up work that should have been done earlier - ask sooner rather than later if you need help and remember to peer support. 

 If it is not made 'live' i cannot mark it - (so you should have at least 16 posts by the end of October):
Expected posts (but they may change in order)

1.    Summer task: Research into sweded films and the definition of sweded films
2.    Examples of sweded films with comments/analysis/deconstructions
3    your favourite films AND an introduction to you in a gadget box
4.     Planning for a sweded film of your own / make a sweded film and upload it / analyse the result
5.    Management of your blog – permissions and settings – 25 posts per page please / no word verification + invite me
6.    Research and planning: codes and conventions of a film OTS: se7en activities 1-3 & tasks 1-3 – review others powerpoints / deconstruct & micro-essay on Se7en / ditto film of your choice
7.    R&P – codes and conventions:  - look at other students work – 
8.   Examples of animatics and or storyboards with analysis
9.    identifying the conventions of an OTS
10. identifying the conventions of film noir genre
11. analysing OTS : Double Indemnity / Sin City / Psycho / other of your own choice – after watching the films’ OTS identify & provide a detailed analysis showing understanding of how they meet/break:
a.    The conventions of a film noir
b.    The conventions of OTS
c.    Representations of character
d.    Editing techniques
12. Research: exploring representation and creating representations create moody, melodramatic portraits in a film noir style - this is the latest practical challenge: storyboard a classic story/fairytale etc into the conventions of the film noir genre - thhen style and photograph it - upload this to your blog with a comparison to existing films/characters
13. Genre theory classwork:  mindmaps into genre / hybrid genre / examples of different genres especially linking to film noir – upload photos of sheets OR rewrite in an interactive way – upload examples of different genres – still/clips/films
14. Genre theory: defined the Film Noir Genre on your blog
15. Understanding audience – active / passive / traditionalist / hedonist / post-modern /preferred / oppositional linked to audience / industry . institution – extension ABC1C2DE criterion
16.  understanding narrative theory:  Todorov / propp / levi-strauss / branigan / Cameron… explore the narrative concepts and write what they are in your own words together with examples of films that best represent them, extend with those that break it.
17.  Defining audience: the Buckingham activities and essay.
18. Audience: planning your own – next step


The exam board states that: just writing is not enough - this is an interactive A level: every post should contain academic analysis, illustrations and visual links or examples. A greater variety gains a higher grade. Just text can only gain an E or D grade.

Make the titles relate to and explain the content - for example if it is Research or Planning: say so and then add a sub-title of the task or focus - see my examples